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The Best of Tashan - A retrospective 1986-1993 - Expansion UK

From a soul perspective we have the best of Tashan from his albums 'Chasing a dream', 'On the horizon' and 'For the sake of love'.

From the first of these albums in 1986 we have 'Thank you father' 'Read my mind' 'Got the right attitude' 'So much love' and 'Love is'. 'Got the right attitude' particularly has always been well received in the soul fraternity, a duet with Alyson Williams, strong vocals over a laid back beat with Alyson wailing in and out and over. 'Thank you father' is another slow jam with personalised lyrics. 'Read my mind' has a more upbeat mood and there is more of a flavour of the heavy bass beat of the day, in other words a hint of datedness. 'So much in love' is by far my favourite from this section, easy groove, catchy hook and well delivered. The remaining track is another slow jam with Alyson Williams again.

From 'On the horizon' about three years later the featured tracks are 'Save the family', 'Keep movin' on' Remix ,the best of this section a midtempo groover, 'How ya livin', the hardest track in evidence, with samples of Dr Martin Luther King, 'Tears of Joy', a fine ballad, 'Great Feeling', a joyous midtempo dancer.

The final album in 1993 which is an album that is difficult to read when broken down into selected tracks. Featured here is 'Romantically Inspired' which is very Marvin Gaye and an all round well received track. The title track 'For the sake of love', strong slow heartfelt vocals on 'Love of my Life' and closing with the anthemic ' All I ever do'.

 I guess that there will be some tracks that some people will have preferred but this is pretty much the best of the Soul tracks, and pretty good they are too.
