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Bobby Thurston - Sweetest piece of the pie - EXCDM8

This is a fine album and I must confess to not being all that with Bobby's work apart from 'disco classic' which I guess was a couple of years after this album.

'Just ask me' is wonderful seventies mid paced 'modern soul' (in the UK idiom). Indeed the quality of Bobby's vocal all round surprises me - surprises me in that I missed it first time around!, but it doesn't surprise me that the likes of Expansion would pick up on it.

'Sweetest piece of the pie' the title track is Philly in style and quality in vocal. 'I want your body' is a bit funkier and 'Flash' gets funkier still, more in a DC stylee.

We close on 'I do love you' a Billy Stewart song which allows Bobby's vocal to come through.

Of course with 70's albums they are unfortunately not as long as we're used to in CD format but generally a worthwhile purchase.

