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A couple of months ago I contacted a couple of labels with a view to packaging a compilation of some of the independent artists I had interviewed under the Life & Soul banner. Unfortunately I did not get anywhere. Little did I know that Soul Brother must have been putting together this album because this is exactly the kind of thing I had in mind.

Suffice this to say this is an exceptional album and gives much needed exposure to the above names. Three tracks from each.

N'dambi, good to hear that again because it's been a while since I played it because it's 3 years or so since it came out, and it still sounds so fresh. Three of the top cuts from 'Little Girl Lost Blues'. I wish she would respond to my emails though!


Ledisi, there's an album review and an interview elsewhere an the site as there is with Karen (or will be, the interview is in the pipeline). Ledisi's 'Soul Singer' and Karen's 'Some Othaness for U' are both worthy of UK release - get the whole albums out!

Laurnea's tracks are from her second independently produced second album which didn't seem to get as much exposure over here as the momentum gained from her first album suggested that it should but it's a top album.

These are from 'Ian One' and these tracks feature Jill Zadeh, Robin McElhatten and Angels Berryman-Simpson.

All of these tracks, from cool jazzy vibes, through to sensuous soul, gospel soul and some uptempo grooves this album blends together so well. The stuff is out there if you look and this is a good place to start. Excellent stuff Soul Brother.





