Dennis Taylor

Interview 25 September 2003

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Hi Dennis, we did a piece on back in November 2001 when you were just starting to hit in the UK.

Nearly two years have flown by and your appreciation in the UK has blossomed since then. Knowing what you know now about the UK scene, which I assume is a lot more than you did then, what's your take on it and how it has treated you.

When I first arrived in the UK it was delightful because people were genuinely kind and appreciative of the music. So I felt right at home and appreciated them for allowing me to be myself. It’s like receiving unconditional love; and certainly I’ve enjoyed the scenic views when I’ve performed up and down the country.

And the live UK shows that you have done?

Absolutely sensational audience that know how to party and can sing too! I may be out of a job!

Did 'Enough' or 'Unconditional' ever get picked up in the States?

No, but there aren’t that many smart people handing things at companies here in the US. It took a while for me to accept that but it doesn’t discourage me from creating better music. One day they won’t deny the music because it always wins in the end.

Were you happy with everything about it that happened in the UK?

Yes, with Enough, but Unconditional I felt like we rushed it the production so it was some what incomplete which is why we took our time creating the third album.

You 've done some other projects, duets and things. How have they been?

The first duet I did with India T was an experiment – I mean there wasn’t much chemistry between us but it came out fine. Then working with Beverlei Brown was a nice experience because she’s very talented. The experience with Wincey Terry was very much different, because for one there is chemistry, and substance added to this song “Am I Dreaming” because we’ve known each other for a while now. She’s fantastic.

Who are you working on with the new album, Fred (McFarlane) and Darryl (James) still involved?

Yes I am working with Fred and Darryl because we still bring out the best musically in each other. Everyone else on the project got involved because of his or her talent and I think that shows on the album.

Tell me about the new album and the direction it's taking. How has it progressed from the previous two

This album firstly almost never happened because of life changing events, not only in the world but also in my family circle. I was angry, hurt and disgusted at the same time before this project was started. I wasn’t the same Dennis Taylor going into the studio as I was on previous recordings and it was when I saw Anita Baker perform in concert that I found the direction I wanted to go in.

There's some tracks that you did not write, tell me about them and how you selected them.

When I heard “Now That I’ve Found You” and “Don’t Wanna Give Up” I really liked them and felt they got right into the album concept. Brook Richardson is a terrific songwriter and I also loved “It’s Over” from the previous record. Peter from Dome found “Want” which was penned by Rahsaan Paterson and crew, which also fitted nicely into the fold. I spent a great deal of time finding the perfect duet before settling on the classic “Am I Dreamin”, mainly because I felt it complemented Wincey’s voice.

Are you happy with the result.

I am absolutely ecstatic; the hard work has paid off.

What are the cuts that you are most pleased with and which ones should we look out for.

Well I’d have to say “In The Mood”, “Don’t Wanna Give Up”, “Now That I Found You”, “At The Place”, “Can’t Stop Loving You” and “Am I Dreamin’”.

Given the success in the UK and the relationship with Dome how much guidance do you get regarding the UK Scene and how much do you aim it at that market.

Having recorded songs that have been accepted in the UK certainly impacts the next project. But my objective is always to create with an open mind, to bring about different flavours in each track because I also follow what’s being played in the US market and I don’t want to become locked into one style which is why this new record is full of many different flavours compared to the previous two. I took many more chances beyond the norm this time, and Dome always has an input but allow me to do what we do first.

Do you kind of do your own thing and then let Dome select which ones might hit over here maybe with a remix, or do you tailor songs in your head specifically for the UK........or maybe you don't see any difference between what might go in the UK, US or elsewhere. After all a good tune is a good tune right?

Yes I just pretty much create what I feel is a great tune. I mean it all depends on the track; the producer has an idea of what direction to take things from that point and finish it. Like you said a good tune is pretty much a good tune no matter where it’s played. I always approach each song differently, I mean to give it its own identity and hopefully everyone loves it.

What's happening at home and elsewhere.

Right now I’m in the process of making my new record available in the US market. I have much more help this time around so hopefully that will come off soon. The third time is the charm, as they say!

Are you coming over to promo it?

I certainly plan to. I’ve worked harder than I’ve ever worked on this project this past year. It’s my best work by far.

Has the success over the last few years changed your life in any way at all. What other kind of things are you doing.

Yes – I’ve grown up a great deal learning how to separate business from friendship. My confidence as a songwriter and as an individual has grown because I’ve come from an abusive family and my father never wanted to have anything to do with me. Through my music I’d like to inspire and motivate others. Much of the new music is based on where and what I’ve been through in my lifetime, some of it is painful and some wonderful, but it’s all Dennis Taylor. Outsider of music I’m materialistic – I like to shop and hang out at sporting venues such as baseball games.

Anything else you would like to say.

Yes, because of the passion of the great Barry White and the illness of Luther Vandross I felt obligated to create and put together the best vocal and arrangements in this project that I could possibly make. It’s because like them I’m committed to R&B, it’s my home, it’s where I’m from

Good luck and hopefully see you soon.

